Papa and I just bought ourselves a couple of Christmas presents. Now it’s real hard for either of us to think of something we need. I often think the key to happy living is being able to separate what you need from what you want in a very systematic and intellectual way. You’ll always be happy that way, since if you’re reading this you have a computer with internet access and that’s not a need yet. It may be soon, though.
Anyway, we got a new laptop, and a new flat LCD monitor for Papa’s computer. We’ve been selling a few of our photographs lately and having a good computer to edit and post them with has become essential. We’re well equipped at home, but the laptop was becoming an issue. I got the older one just before I quit my “day job” a few years ago, and it was hopelessly outdated (and slow) although still working. The new one sings and dances, btw. We’re off to East Tennessee and Lowell Larkin’s Christmas in the Smokies show bright and early tomorrow morning. With this new machine, if may be possible for us to post photographs of the show on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings. Sunday will have to wait till we get home!On the home front, GS1 called his mother, D1 yesterday. She was relieved to talk to him, and hear him say, in his own voice, that his is doing fine. We also hear that GD2, the youngest is asking to visit her grandma and “see Papa”. So, I’m still chopped liver! See you on the road!