We had a wonderful time over the weekend at the Marshall (Michigan) Bluegrass Festival. Saw some friends and caught up. Saw some wonderful music. It never rained all weekend, very unusual for a festival in Michigan. I believe this and MayFest go on record as being the only dry festivals so far this summer. OK, OK, of those we’ve attended.
There is, of course, a price to be paid. About ten loads of laundry. Weeds in the flowers and veggies. Long grass. Well, it didn’t rain here, either, so the grass isn’t too bad.
Papa had to water the garden last night, at least the cukes and tomatoes. I emptied and cleaned Lex, read the papers, and threw the mail on my desk. Today will be a killer, but we had a great time.
Now, it’s countdown to the reunion. Ready, set, 7 days to go!