I must not have mentioned the dreaded banjo often enough lately. I notice it’s totally gone from my tag cloud. I guess that’s how I know the darn cloud tag is working.
So this is my banjo post of the day. Here is my favorite very local banjo player. You can hear him play a few tunes, scruggs style, and decide for yourself if he’s worthy of that honor. (he is).
Also, for your enjoyment my favorite not so local banjo player. To be fair, he used to live in Michigan, but he’s in Nashville now. Not so local is probably “Michigan”, but what the heck.
I have two other favorite players, more on the national scene. The first is Kristin Scott Benson. We became aware of Kristin’s playing when she was still a student at Belmont in Nashville, and touring with Larry Stephenson. She since graduated, married, had a baby, and continues to play, and play very well. I wish we saw her playing more often.
The second, and that’s not really right, he’ll always be first, is Earl. No Earl, no roll. It’s as simple as that. Watch a little of him here.
Banjo, banjo, banjo.